Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have two major issues that are simply dreadful at the moment. The first has to do with the relaunch of my website, its taking way longer than expected and it's driving me insane! Moving right along....
The next issue has to do with a certain nail polish...uh hem Sinful Colors. It pretty much sucks. As you all know I hate to bash brands but this really gets under my skin.
 (Notice the bite marks on the top. This nail polish makes me that angry!)

 Besides having an intriguing array of colors (more color variety than Essie or OPI) the product itself is cheap in quality. I mean what do I expect at $1.99 per bottle? Right? Wrong. I don't know what formula they use but it simply ain't workin.

This polish chips like lead paint in a prewar building in the South Bronx. I've tried everything to preserve the color; buffing, basecoat, topcoat, no-chip top coat, prayer etc. but to absolutely no avail. Girls, don't believe the hype and don't buy this product. I give this product a D for Dreadful. #FAIL

Suprisingly, there is an equally inexpensive brand that relatively chip resistant called Brucci and I've been using it for years. The colors aren't quite as intriguing as Sinful Colors but at $2.99 a bottle its hard not to pass up. Try it at your local Rite Aid, Duane Reade, or Walgreens. #PASS
(Yes, I open nail polish bottles with my teeth)
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